The General Manager of the Cameroon National Shippers' Council (CNSC), Mr. Auguste Mbappe Penda, in his capacity as Chairman of the Ad-hoc Sub-Committee charged with facilitating the implementation of the AfCFTA guided trade initiative, received a delegation from Togo's AfCFTA national committee, headed by Mr. Batchassi Katchali, Director of Foreign Trade at the Togolese Ministry of Trade.


Following a meeting with the AfCFTA National Committee, the Togolese delegation visited the CNSC, which is hosting the AD-HOC sub-committee charged with facilitating the implementation of the AfCFTA Guided Trade Initiative, to obtain information on best practices.


The Togolese delegation was particularly interested in the assistance provided by the CNSC for the removal of the first shipment under the AfCFTA regime on 17 July 2023, the support it offered to SMEs at the Intra-African Trade Fair in Cairo last November, and the training provided to SMEs at the Promote trade fair on key aspects such as packaging and the opportunities for SMEs with the advent of AfCFTA in February 2024.


Discussions focused on the missions, structure and governance of the AD-HOC sub-committee charged with facilitating the implementation of AfCFTA guided trade initiative in Cameroon.

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